nick northrup the gym mpls fitness personal trainer minneapolis


  • Crossfit Trainer Level 2

  • USAW Level 1

Nick Northrup

Hi, I’m Nick Northrup. I’m a fitness trainer at The Gym MPLS specializing in CrossFit, BodyBuilding, and recently dabbling in StrongMan.  Fitness has been a constant in my life since I was 22 years old. It started when a buddy brought me into the gym to add a little muscle and “look good”. Over time, it transformed into a passion for health, fitness, and pushing yourself every day.

I want to train with anyone who is ready for a change, push themselves, show consistency, and have patience with the process.  Sometimes the workout looks awesome, other times it doesn’t. It’s knowing that, through the good and bad, you pushed yourself and hopefully you came out the other side stronger, mentally, and physically. The journey will be challenging and rewarding. I want to teach you the tools to be a better and healthier you. Let’s get stronger together!